Our Services
How we help our clients every day build stronger foundations in their businesses
Vision &
Establishing a 3-year roadmap for the organization, “the dream” of where the company should be, in a comprehensive manner that considers all areas of the business, and most importantly, the strategic changes and goals that need to be measured in order to succeed.
Tangibles – what you walk away with:
3-Year Strategic Plan
3-Year Income Statement Forecast
Marketing Plan – The 4M’s
Organizational Pillars Strategy - Sales & Marketing, Operations / Customer Service, Finance/Accounting, HR, IT & Business Intelligence
Implement key Change Management principles throughout the engagement to ensure everyone is onboard and clear about the positive change, all working together as a team, in the same direction of growth.
Tangibles – what you walk away with:
• Management Coaching Sessions to generate ‘Change Communication Plan’
• Staff Sessions and Workshops to Communicate Process Changes
Management Frameworks & KPIs
An improved & consistent way of working day in and day out, week-to-week, to ensure targets and goals set forth in the Strategic Plan are being met, ultimately improving visibility and accountability.
Tangibles – what you walk away with:
• Establish a KPI Dashboard, with respective Targets for each - for every Operational area in your business
• Establish the schedule of recurring meetings, that will be used to review KPIs, objectives and targets.
• A Management Framework Tool that will be used to house all the meeting documents and notes, with the ability to assign Action Items to specific members on the team
Process Re-Engineering
Our methodology is founded on Process Continuous Improvement models, Lean Six Sigma and Structure based solutions, designed to be sustainable and relevant across multiple industries.
Tangibles – what you walk away with:
• Generate ‘Current vs Future Process Maps’ for Operational areas
• Produce a ‘Risk & Redundancy Assessment’
• Review of Current Process & Procedures
• Produce ‘Standardization of Process & Procedures’ Plan
• Generate Current vs Future Accountability Chart
• Compile and Deliver Training Materials and Guides for NEW Processes
• Working Sessions throughout with Management to Identify Key criteria
Training &
Customized trainings and workshops that aim at covering management & leadership topics, changing mindsets, using the power of team engagement and dynamics.
Tangibles – what you walk away with:
• Specific Action Plan that relates to the specific leadership topic your company is going through.
• Tailored Training Modules and Guides
• Strong and unified management team that are all humming to the same beat and aligned toward a common goal and direction.
• Mindset shift of fear and anxiety, to one of positivity and excitement about the change.
Systems Assessment & Design
Audit and review of current systems and technology in place, and most importantly, if they are aligned with the future growth of your business. Explore new potential solutions and tools that will support the growth and direction of the business.
Tangibles – what you walk away with:
• Review of Current Situation Technology and Systems
• Help explore new potential systems or applications for the business
• Provide Data Management and Security Best Practices and Assessments
• Can provide custom System Development Services, as required